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June 19, 2022

Dominate Instagram and Social with a Passive Strategy that's EASY to Delegate


 I want to briefly go through our social media strategy for our internal projects and clients and how we dominate on Instagram using this very effective strategy. I want to show you how to dominate social with a passive strategy, and I’m going to show you the breakdown and examples.

So as you can see, on the right, I have one of our internal projects—Black Wallet—this page gives some really great organic engagement, this is all free, unpaid, as you can see if I scroll down here, 318,000 accounts reached from March 4 to 10th.

So we’re getting about 7,000 new subscribers every week, and we’re hitting our key demographics. We essentially want to go after millennials here, with mostly 54% women. So really, really nice centered data here—and this is all organic traffic. 

How Do We Do It?

So the way we’re doing this is a really simple and effective strategy. Just a few tips off the bat: we post a lot, so we post 4 to 6 times a day. 85% of our content is re-shared, or content curation.

So there are some pages out there like f Jerry and other pages that re-share other people’s content. Always make sure that you’re showing attribution. As you can see here, if I scroll down, I can see that we have the credit here of Rashad. So we always show credit to the originator, and they always show love back, they want you to share the content, they want you to get your content out there.

Also choose between 10 and 15 solid hashtags, switch up your hashtags, diversify that content, and I guarantee you’ll get some great engagement. This one, for example, is 86 comments, and about 2,900 likes, we get a lot of engagement on video. Here’s an example video here, this one has 61,000 views, 97 comments, so really, really great engagement, all organic.

Now the way we do this is we’ve automated this process. So I don’t usually post to this page, I might post one or two a day just to have additional content. But what we’ve done is we’ve created a strategy that anyone on your team can implement.

Black Wallet's Social Media Strategy Content Calendar

For example, here is our social strategy, this is a chart that we’ve created in Google Sheets. I’ll include a link where you can get access to the course on the social media strategy. 

But essentially, this is the breakdown: we post about 3 times per day, mix it up with video and image content. Now for example, on Sunday, we have the day here, this is a nice drop-down right here and organized, we have the type of content, and then the topic. So, "Find relevant uplifting videos from these pages, and be sure to provide attribution details on the next tab."

The platform has multiple, so we’re posting this on both Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. This post type is video, and we can change this, we’ve added this and created this Google Sheet which you can get access to as well, text and picture text, and link quote overlay. So keep this very organized, right?

And then for copy, we always include an example post. That way, the social media manager or the person that’s managing this can see the type of content that we want to use.

Now we also have a source file—there’s none for that one because that’s a re-share—and then the time we would like that posted. Now what I’ll usually do on the front end is I’ll create this calendar and strategy outright. In the course that’s actually attached to this link, you can get that, you can get our template, you can get everything you need.

Make a List of Pages to Curate Content From

Now on the second tab, these are the pages that we want to curate content from, right? So, we’ve listed a bunch of pages, and so the social media manager can come in here, they can look at the different links, they can look at the hashtags and they can look at the template that we want them to use.

And with that said, once this is done, it’s on autopilot. So all of this is scheduled through Hootsuite, makes it really easy and effective to get this content done. 

And so now if I go through my feed—let me open my folder again—you can see that we have a ton of great content curated from other pages.

Now, one thing about this strategy is, your feed will not look consistent. Content, I’d say aesthetically, it’s not the best, right? There’s a whole bunch of diverse content, but I’m guaranteeing you the engagement that we get on this is insane.

So that’s pretty much our strategy. So one, I’ll go to the social media strategy content calendar, and I’ll go ahead and create this. So, on the front end, it can take you an hour, 2 hours to create and setup.

I recommend posting at least 3 times a day on IG. Also, on your second tab, find and curate other pages that are similar to yours that have amazing content that you can curate. 

Again, always show attribution to others, and you can get all of this—actually, let me show you that real quick.

Our Masterclass for Social Media

You can get all of this bundled ready to go in one of our courses. If not, of course, this video is valuable and you can use this video to create your strategy. All this course does it just makes your job a lot easier in implementation and it’s called The Social Media on Autopilot Masterclass.

In that course, you get video training, you get all of our templates, you get the PSD and font files we use for images, you get content, ideas, tips and tricks, our social media content, calendar templates, everything’s in there. So this is on autopilot, you can literally open this, fill out the sheet, send it to your social media manager and get it done. 

So, again, guys, all this is in our sheet—let me show you that really quick too, our resource guide—this is absolutely free as well. You can go here, you can see all of our courses, all of our free tools and paid tools and be able to get some value from this.

So I hope you got value, guys. You have a great one, if you have any questions, sound off.

A web designer on laptop waving at computer

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