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June 19, 2022

A Simple Way to Execute Your Tasks with Minimal Effort Marketing Agency Edition


Actually, today I’m going to be talking about something very important. This is a little unorthodox, outside of the box a little bit. I want to talk a little bit about job templates and the importance of taking everything in your brain, creating lists, and creating items so that you can delegate those tasks to well-bodied team members, so that you can focus on the big picture.

So I’m actually going to dive into my process—this is in real-time on a project we literally just created five minutes ago. 

Make a Google Sheet for Job Templates

So on my computer, on the screen, it looks a little crazy right now, but I have a Google Sheet up called Job Templates. And what we like to do is we like to itemize all the processes within the business.

Lately, we’ve been doing a lot of optimization of LinkedIn profiles. And because it’s a little time-consuming, I thought I would get this process out and be able to delegate this to team members so that I can focus on the big picture and really focus on getting that content live for the client. 

So this is what’s called a job template doc, as you can see, if I hit this little button here—if I click this, for example, this shows all of our itemized lists and tasks within the business. This has all of our jobs and descriptions and specific tasks and subtasks within those.

For example, if I click Design, this will show you the breakdown of the design of every project that we do. If we’re doing a logo and graphic design, this is our steps and our process. If we’re doing a pitch deck for a client, if we’re doing a brochure design, if we’re doing mobile app design, all that good stuff, right?

If I do email marketing, this is our email marketing process. I’m going to go specifically to the one that I created today. We have all of these project management tasks, we have social media and Facebook ads.

We try to make it very organized so that it’s really easy for our team member or project manager when I say, “Hey, we need to do a web development job.” They can go in here, copy this to Asana, and then the job is ready to go, and it can be delegated accordingly. And it just helps us track and keep up-to-date with the process and make sure we’re hitting all the points in regards to clientele. 

Sample Template: Optimize Your Profile for LinkedIn

If I go back to LinkedIn—I literally just created this list today, I looked at some articles on how to optimize your profile for LinkedIn, I took items from different articles that I thought would suffice, and I use examples for profiles that we’ve already optimized. So, in order to break this down, I usually have the job name here, I have the project, and I had the comment, which is maybe due one week from today.

Usually, this job doesn’t take that long—I’d say about a week, contingent on getting information from the client. And what I’ll do is I’ll break down that job by subsets right?

Update Profile Pic

So the first thing we want to update is, of course, the profile pic, we want to make sure that the headshot is updated. And then I always put notes in the specific job, so that way, we can always go back to this and reference it, update the image header. Then we go into the pre-profile where we’re going to modify the headline and included an emoji, and I have noted here from articles and things that I pulled.

Add a Personal Deck

And then another thing that we add is a personal deck. So on LinkedIn, you have your profile, you have everything there. We also add a personal deck, which is kind of like a resume, but in a visual form that people can download our access in specific. Then we have all the information here, and then LinkedIn optimization, optimized work experience. 

So again, this helps me get the entire thought process out onto paper. Now, I don’t even necessarily have to think about it: I can go in here, and if I’m missing anything, we can always update this.

Itemize Process Into a List Format

So once we create a job template, we’ll take the time to think about it the workload and how we can break it down. That’s one of the takeaways here. And then itemize the process into a list format that we can use in Trello, Asana, Basecamp—whatever you use, you can essentially use a job template to get that done. 

Create a Doc to Expedite Some Tasks

And now what I’ll have is a doc like this. So in order to expedite this process, especially the questions that we need to answer from the client, I’ll create a Google Doc just like this, where I’ll ask, "What image best reflects you as an individual in two, three sentences. How would you describe your title?" So I can essentially send this to the client, and they can fill this out.

Now, instead of me actually going through and working on this, I can get all this information from the client ahead of time, and then I can schedule a follow-up call to discuss it in detail. But this just makes it easy to track everything and have all this info all ready, ready to go. 

So in addition to this template that we send the client, we will also have a video training that I’ll provide to the team. And the project manager will be the one sending that client questionnaire doc. So I want to make sure that she understands the process and she knows what to do.

Now, I don’t only have a job template that has the breakdown of my entire process, I also have the doc that I send the client, right? So now I don’t have to think about this, I can have the project managers send this and we can get that information back from the client. And now I have the video training that the project manager views to get access to that and create that process. 

And guys, once these start kicking, and once this starts working together and you’re seeing this work in real-time, it takes a lot of time to set up in the beginning. I’ve worked on this for probably an hour. But essentially, now all we have to do is create the job, send it out, and it’s done.

I’ll show you that example.

Export Tasks for Task Management Systems (Asana, Trello, Basecamp, Etc.)

Now I have this job here, I could just literally copy this and I can go to Asana, which is our task manager. Again, you can use any task management system that you prefer. At the end of the day, they’re all the same, so it really comes down to preference. 

Let’s see, Trello is more visual, Basecamp is more email-based, they’re all great platforms. But we just like Asana, because it’s pretty awesome and we’ve been on it for a few years.

So I’ll just go to Add Tasks, for example, and now I know the title of my task is LinkedIn optimization. Okay, so I’m going to hit my Task Name is LinkedIn optimization, okay, and then I can just hit this Subtask, and I get it to paste—everything’s there. And now, my PM, who does this, would add this job can go in and assign these subtasks to whoever the individual is, we can get that job in the queue. 

Again, the point of this video is really to get you guys in the mindset of, "Hey, I’m doing this one thing, 150 times, let me write this down, itemize it, and see how I can delegate specific pieces of it, right?"

Because in reality, I might not be sending out this form, I might not be doing that, but I’m looking at the final product, right? So, now I’m able to come in at a bird’s eye view, as opposed to actually doing the physical work and labor, and really provide my thoughts and ideas on the process.

If you guys have any questions, feel free to let me know and I’ll see you on the flip side.

A web designer on laptop waving at computer

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